Welcome to #60's-80'sMusicTrivia Homepage!
We are so glad to have you visit here and check out our MusicTrivia Players!
We are the ORIGINAL Mlusictrivia Room. There have been several others who started after playing
in mine, but we are the First Musictrivia room on Starchat Server!
We have a great bunch of people from all over the U.S., Canada, England, Scotland, Australia and other
We all have two things in common....we LOVE Music and we LOVE Trivia!!
Hope you'll get a chance to come in and play too!
Check out MusicTrivia room info on next page, click the jukebox on page 2.
Please Click on Page numbers in blue on left of this page to go to next page!
Please sign my guestbook at bottom of page 1.
Be Sure to Click on Players Pictures to see webpage or enlargment of picture!!